Player development

Here you can enlist Tracy’s high performance coaching expertise in Player Development Single Sessions, Player Development Packages, Video Analysis and Remote Coaching. Feeling stuck in patterns of ineffective tactics and technical fluidity? Tracy will design a plan for training and competitive strategies based on your specific goals and needs.

Player Development: Sessions


Not just a Pro player, Tracy’s extensive background in High Performance Player and Coach Development and her experience as a Pro Coach makes her unique skillset stand out in the Pickleball World. Players looking to enhance their pro performance will benefit from Tracy’s Coaching, mentorship and guidance.

Player Development: Packages


Players looking to enhance their performance at the amateur level will benefit from Tracy’s guidance as well.
Tracy’s understanding of the fundamentals will have your game feeling better in no time. Book your session to see and feel the difference.

video analysis & Remote Coaching


Need Coaching at your next tournament? Coaching is all about how to help a player win. Book a session to have Tracy attend your next match and receiving Pro Coaching in real time.

Can’t make it to see Tracy in person? No worries. You can upload your match play for Tracy to analyze and provide expert feedback.

Connect for a free consult